

Broken Camera Records is a donation-based label created to help DIY/bedroom artists release and promote their music. In this day and age, there’s nothing more important for musicians than being heard. We aim to provide artists involved with a means of getting their music on streaming services at no cost to them. They can collect 100% of their streaming royalties without worrying about label charges in the process. No catch! Much like most labels, we also offer assistance in getting physical merchandise produced, street teaming & promotion, while we organize fun, collaborative projects and compilation albums between our artists on a regular basis.

To all Broken Camera Collective members:

Taking full advantage of Broken Camera Records’ distribution options is not a requirement to anyone in the collective. Community events and the Various Artist compilations will continue as normal. Your membership now grants you with these options if you would like to further-promote your own music going forward.


What is the “Broken Camera Collective”?

A closely-knit community of artists who openly communicate and work with one-another. We started as a group of friends who branched out and ended up expanding into a group of people with diverse skillsets. We consider the community a “Collective” of artists, unlike the label “Broken Camera Records” which is our front for music distribution in the community. We also use the Broken Camera Collective name as the album-artist credit for our Various Artists releases, whenever we create collaboration/compilation albums through community events. Individual tracks on those Various Artist releases get their respective artist credits.

Who’s involved in the collective?

Any artist associated with the label is considered to be part of the Collective and is invited to participate in events/collaborative projects! Information about these events will be as announcements in the Discord server.

What’s this about a Discord server?

As a corollary to the previous question, if you are considered part of the Collective, you will be invited to join the official Broken Camera Discord server where we share WIPs for feedback, work on the next big compilation album release, and just have general music discussion! It’s a small-yet-active community of like-minded musicians with positive attitudes towards each other, with a core ethos of DIY.

Is it really free for Collective members’ music to be on streaming services?

Yes it is! We will cover 100% of costs associated with getting music into listening spaces and provide 100% of royalties back to the artists who earned them. And don’t worry--we don’t claim anything off of Bandcamp digital sales either. That’d be ridiculous.

So like, how are you gonna pay for it then?

Broken Camera is donation-based and otherwise funded as a passion project by the three individuals who operate it. Donations are not required to be part of the Collective, just spread the word a little bit about what we do!

Are the compilation albums going to be available on streaming services?

As the compilations frequently feature cover songs, they will only be available on streaming services that have their own licenses for artists to legally upload covers (Spotify and Deezer). If any in the future contain all original material, they should be available in more places than just those two.

Who gets the money from those?

Compilation releases (as with everything digital released on BCR) are pay-what-you-want starting at $0.00. However, unlike other albums released by the label, anytime someone pays for the release, it is considered a donation to the label for continuing operations.

To “continue operations”…..riiiight…..

No, seriously! We’re more likely than not going to be operating at a loss in terms of owner contributions because we are not for profit and will retain none of the proceeds for any reason other than to maintain the label. This is fine and we’ve accounted for it, don’t worry!

Hmm…..well if that’s true, then where can I donate?

We’re currently in the process of establishing a PayPal business account under the BCR name. At the moment it’s safe to send money to emberlynn.b@gmail.com on PayPal or @DecayToDeath on Venmo--just indicate in the notes/subject line that it’s a donation for the label please!

How do I join the Collective?

Shoot us an email at brokencamerarecords@gmail.com with links to your material--we’ll all check it out and get back to you soon after.

I have a question that wasn’t addressed here!

We need your questions! Feel free to send them our way:
Official Email: brokencamerarecords@gmail.com
Offical Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrokenCameraR
Beth(she/her): Discord: NotLadyEcho#8909
Jen (she/her): Discord: DecayToDeath#7968
Ember (she/her): Discord: Ember#1765